Tag Archives: Women

Bromances aren’t uncommon

I ran across this interesting little article while perusing my Seattle Times tonight…seeing that I have a multitude of guys involved in various “bromances”, I figured this is something to put down in the old blog. Mainly because that word is hilarious. Says the Times:

Two straight male doctors who are, without a doubt, in a bromance, a relationship defined as “the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males,” according to urbandictionary.com.

There seems to be little worry about perceptions of homosexuality in a bromance filled with macho pursuits like drinking beer, watching sports and playing video games. But rifts can occur when serious girlfriends enter the picture or someone moves to another city. Tipograph and Kopstein both have girlfriends and make it work.

Apparently the transition to adulthood is taking a decade longer than in the olden days so men feel like they can be single and have their bromances. The fact that this type of article is in the Seattle TImes is so fantastic, maybe now bromances everywhere can be recognized and celebrated (aka JJ and Ron).


Strivers and Slackers…All because of Prez Bush?

My dearest Dweed sent me this article from the SF Weekly regarding a little something I like to call…how women and men interact. Today’s particular topic: Strivers vs. Slackers. I think it’s important to note that this article topic is not a blanket statement but an interesting observance.

The author seems to bash the “slackers” in the article but I think she’s just trying to do justice to the “strivers” because the end is really heartwarming:

So, call me a traitor if you must — a slacker sympathizer, a striver sellout, whatever. But I’m going with my mom’s words of dating wisdom, which were the last things she ever said to me before she died about a decade ago. “Honey,” she told me, “any man who’s lucky enough to be with you needs to know that he’s the luckiest man in the world.”